Saturday, August 23, 2008

20-year old speech

After the Obama and Biden speeches that I saw on C-SPAN, I just let the channel stay on and I was treated to a "blast from the past."

It was Ann Richard's speech at the July 1988 Democrat Convention in Atlanta, GA. Listening to her, speaking to a pre-Bush, pre-Clinton audience, the speech, word-for-word could be a speech that we might hear at the convention on Monday night.

Same problems, same economic woes, even a line about the "... greatest national debt in our country's history."

What a shame that as far as Bill Clinton got in his presidency, we are now thrust into a lame-duck Regan Presidential era.

I can only hope that this election does not turn out like that election did.

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Blooms of Plunkett

Blooms of Plunkett
A Banana tree in the backyard in full bloom