Woman allegedly hits guard with baby
MEMPHIS, May 26 (UPI) -- A Tennessee woman who allegedly borrowed a friend's baby to go shoplifting has been charged with abusing the boy by using him to assault a security guard.
Camilla Fields, 26, of Memphis is charged with both child abuse and assault, The (Memphis) Commercial Appeal reported. Police say Fields, who was holding the 2-month-old boy in a car seat, swung it at a Wal-Mart security guard last Wednesday.
The boy's mother, Stacey Cleaves, 26, was outside the store during the incident, police said. She allegedly provided false information about Fields and is charged with false reporting and child neglect.
Investigators say Fields took the baby into a bathroom and pretended to change his diaper, actually concealing stolen items.
When she hit the guard with the car seat, it fell, landing with the baby's face down. She picked it up and ran off, pushing it at the guard.
The boy fell from the seat. Fields drove off, leaving the unconscious baby behind, police said.
The baby was revived by an EMT and a passerby, and taken to a hospital. He was not seriously injured police said.
Cleaves allegedly told police Fields was the boy's aunt and that her name was Darrin.