NASA is looking for water on the moon, but no divining rod will do as NASA's current mission, Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite [LCROSS] impacts the moon tomorrow at 7:01am EST.
The presence of water on the moon is a critical component in NASA's plans to do extensive research on the moon and to provide valuable information to the science community.
The impact will be broadcast by most TV News outlets and will be available on NASATV and their website beginning at 6:45 a.m. EST.
For more information, go to LCROSS Mission Pages.
NASATV: NTV or DirecTV Channel 283.
Rants, raves and a little bragging from a little known street in Broward County Florida
Thursday, October 8, 2009
NASA to "bomb" the Moon
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Healthy Foods Can Make You Sick
Reform is needed to protect our food supply. Too many agencies that do not communicate with each other is one of the problems.
(If you are seeing this from facebook, please see the video on my blog at
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tea Cup Pigs
Yep, you read that right .. Tea Cup Pigs .. cute little things, but I don't know if it is the right thing to show while everyone is worried about the swine flu.
Oh yes, and one more thing... it doesn't take them long to mature and start having little piglets all over the place.
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DirecTV has fixed my TV. The problem is that it wasn't broken.
In an effort to really piss me off, DirecTV succeeded in fixing something that wasn't broken and I'm left with no TV tonight.
Starting around 3:00 am this morning, the receivers in my living room and kitchen started trying to download "new software" and all it seemed to do was erase what software was resident on the receivers and then cut them off. After hitting the reset button every hour for 4 hours, I called DirecTV and had my first "fight" with their automated system that wanted me to talk to a machine. No matter how much I talk to those things, it cannot understand the words coming out of my mouth.
After really getting frustrated, I proceeded to hit "0" on my phone and guess what? I got a real person. Not only did I get a real person, but I got one whose first language was English and he was in Indiana. I was almost speechless as I let in to him with both barrels, which I sincerely apologized about later on, when I got to thinking that this guy could be working from a jail cell somewhere. But hey, at least I could understand the words that were coming out of his mouth.
To make a long story short (I know, too late), he believes that my dish is misaligned (something I have been telling them about since Hurricane Wilma's eye blew over my house in 2005) and may be the reason why I loose reception with just one drop of rain and why neither TV is getting the update.
We'll see. They are due sometime between sunrise and sunset tomorrow. The computer voice, when it called me about an hour ago to confirm the appointment, asked if some other time would be better, I almost started to look for the moonrise and moonset times and then just thought I'd better leave that one alone.
Blooms of Plunkett

A Banana tree in the backyard in full bloom