Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Ghost Election was today

The Ghost election was today. It spirited itself away from my mind. Well ... let us just say that I forgot.

How forgettable.

Seems I'm not the only one to forget either. Full Story

From the full story link above, I read that the workers are basically worried about the election in November, when turn out will be high and people will not know how to vote. I guess people just threw Dr. Snipe's flyer away!

Like I said before, I feel a nightmare coming on, but next time, the eyes of the country will be on us. Instead of the nation talking about FL and Chads, they'll be talking about how we don't even know how to hold a pen and fill in a circle completely.



Anonymous said...

I didn't vote in that one either. Oh well.

Unknown said...

I don't know which is worse: I forgot or I don't know who I would have voted for.

Thanks for your comment.

Blooms of Plunkett

Blooms of Plunkett
A Banana tree in the backyard in full bloom