I feel for the millions that are missing this convention by watching it on network and cable stations. They are not experiencing the impact that the last eight years have had on the speakers that the DNC chose to speak tonight. The topic tonight were kitchen table issues that are close to every American.
There was more substance at the convention podium than what the network and cable stations showed and its direction came to the final impact of Hillery Clinton's speech.The speech was the highlight of the evening, this support of Barrack and Joe and their desire to work for the American people. A Unity speech of all unity speeches. In the audience was a very emotional Bill Clinton, Michelle Obama and Joe Biden with his wife.
As you may know, Barrack is on the campaign trail, primarily because the Republicans decided not to keep with tradition by keeping a low profile while the other party is having their convention. He is out there fighting to get elected and start helping all those of us who are in the 99% of the population who don't have 7 homes to go to.
At this point, I must condem one cable network news station for their absolute disregard of truth in reporting. That network is CNN.
At 4:00 am this morning, I flipped on CNN in hopes that they had gotten off of their one-news-story day only to find them talking through the 7:00pm-8:00pm time slot at the convention complaining that the convention so far had no direction. That it was slow and had not meaning. It brought me to tears, and is why I did not blog this 2nd night until I had slept on it for awhile.
For while the pundits were complaining about the convention, those of us watching C-SPAN heard directly from every-day people like us. People who had lost their jobs and couldn't find another one, or had to work 2 and 3 jobs just to cover expenses. It is one thing to hear a politician talk about the people they have met. It is quite another to see an average American, with no speaking experience, and only a pain in their heart and will power, to stand in front of a crowd of people, a lot of them talking, and speak what is on their mind.
Then, a response from only one delegate, who was overwhelmed by Hillery's speech, told the reporter/camera that what she heard was her president talking and that Obama had not proved anything to her. She ended by saying that she would never vote for McCain, but Barrack had two months to convince her and that she would rather not vote at all than to vote for Obama. This clip on CNN has been repeated hourly and is still being repeated. CNN is twisting the message folks. They are not reporting the news. CNN is trying to make your mind up for you.
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