Monday, November 24, 2008

I HATE computer mice

Maybe because I'm a southpaw is the reason I have always found it difficult to use a mouse. After using one on my new Apple iMAC these past 6 months, I have developed soreness in my hand and wrist. This soreness was extremely painful and was so when I used a mouse at work and when I had a desktop computer last.

Having been a avid laptop user, I have always loved the pointing device. I especially like the IMB Thinkpad "red dot" device, which has all but disappeared, however, the Glidepoint device built in to all laptops now, are still better than any computer mouse on the market.

Last week, I ordered a Cirque Easy Cat. I last had one when I found their website back in the 1990's. I never could convince any employer to allow me to install one on my work computer, even if I paid for it. My iMAC accepted this Easy Cat seamlessly, without any additional drivers to install. When it arrived today, I just plugged it in and it worked.

I recommend this product to anyone who either finds mice uncomfortable to use or to anyone who would like to use a computer without much effort. To click on anything, you just lightly tap the pad. The light triangle (see picture upper right) is your right click and the outer edge on the right-hand side can be used to scroll on the page. If tapping isn't your thing, the Easy Cat has both right and left buttons.

The cost on the Cique website is: PS/2 port: $39.95. USB unit (which I got) $44.59. The Easy Cat comes in both Black and White.

Cirque's Easy Cat features

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Blooms of Plunkett

Blooms of Plunkett
A Banana tree in the backyard in full bloom