Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I have suspected for years that the reason Bush was re-elected in 2004 was because there were stupid people living in the US.

Now I have my proof:

In the 21st Century, the term "flat-earther" is used to describe someone who is spectacularly - and seemingly wilfully - ignorant. But there is a group of people who claim they believe the planet really is flat. Are they really out there or is it all an elaborate prank?

Flat earth theory is still around. On the internet and in small meeting rooms in Britain and the US, flat earth believers get together to challenge the "conspiracy" that the Earth is round.

"People are definitely prejudiced against flat-earthers," says John Davis, a flat earth theorist based in Tennessee, reacting to the new Microsoft commercial.

"Many use the term 'flat-earther' as a term of abuse, and with connotations that imply blind faith, ignorance or even anti-intellectualism."

Well .... Duh!

Full BBC Story

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Blooms of Plunkett

Blooms of Plunkett
A Banana tree in the backyard in full bloom